Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom

What a ride this film was! Partnering back up with Cantina Creative I was able to dive deep (get it) into the world of Atlantis. I still had scenes where I flexed - my now main vibe lol - retro graphics… but what I was most excited about was the Atlantean suite of gfx I was able to explore and concept with. These stills represent my concept work, with elements being poached out of these for different scenes for the final delivery to the film. I was with a top notch crew on this one (and with my bff Robyn Haddow) and I couldn’t have asked for a more creatively open project. Felt good to use curvy lines for once!

However I wasn’t totally free from the angular vibe. I was also tasked with helping to explore the “Manta Bridge”. Black Manta has a submarine that’s used to attack Atlantis/a mission control type situation. Retro tech, cool design, all that good stuff was requested. (See that at the bottom - but look at the cool jellyfish stuff first :P )

Piggy backing off of the incredible concept work Cantina did a few years ago on “Aquaman” ( I was able to follow an already loosely designed style, and use that as a jump point to go further! Below you’ll find my concept stills - along with a breakdown of my design process for a few of the designs.

Aquaman FUI
Aquaman UI Design
Atlantean Hologram